In recent years, the market for LED screens in concerts and touring has witnessed significant growth. With the increased demand for immersive visual experiences, advancements in LED technology, integration of LED screens with stage design, and rising popularity of music festivals, the use of LED screens in concerts and touring shows no signs of slowing down.
Live Concert/Music

For indoor live concerts/music, LED screens should be as easy to operate as possible in the scenarios, as for their short construction time, frequent location changes, and zero tolerance for failures.
For details, read: What's the vital feature of LED screens for live concert/music
Touring and Festivals
The distinction between outdoor and indoor touring concerts and festivals is significant. The challenges arise primarily from the outdoor environment, including the sun, rain, and wind, which can greatly impact the performance and structural integrity of the screen. Of these factors, wind poses the greatest threat, as it can cause instability and potential damage to the screen structure.